Just Say Gay. Protect Trans Kids.
My family and I wore "I will say Gay. I will protect Trans Kids." shirts on a recent trip to Disney World and Universal Studios in solidarity of the LGBTQIA+ people impacted by this assault on personal freedom.
We anticipated the objections, all of which were from white middle age men. We were also grateful for the appreciative, yet quiet, comments from young staff.
States that restrict expression of gender identity are treading thin ice under the Constitution.
The far-right is escalating attacks on schools and public institutions to restrict rights and information to children as they form their ability to understand and affirm their gender identity.
Florida's Gov, Ron DeSantis, took it a step further and is punishing Disney for their role in not supporting the "Don't Say Gay" bill.
If you're new to this conversation, here are some resources:
Transgender Resource Guide from Equality Florida TransAction
Family Support Resources for Families of Transgender & Gender Diverse Children from the Movement Advancement Project
6 Ways Students Can Support Trans Youth Now from the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network